Your student deserves a complete education and appropriate school supports. We're here to help ensure that any student with special education or gifted education needs in Pennsylvania has a legal advocate.

Brandi K. Suter - Founder/Attorney
The Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provide specific protections to students with disabilities to ensure that they receive access to a Free, Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Unfortunately, it isn't always clear how to get your student additional school help and what services you are entitled to as a matter of law. Extraordinary Law will guide you through the process to help your student achieve academic success.
The following diagnoses or needs might indicate that your student is entitled to additional educational supports:
Specific Learning Disabilities
Intellectual Disability
Behavioral needs
Physical Impairments including amputations
Speech or Language Impairment
Hard of hearing or deafness
Visual Impairments
Social Difficulties
Difficulties with School Attendance
Qualifying for additional educational services isn't as simple as having a diagnosis, because the IDEA and Section 504 require precise requests for support from your school district. Knowing what to ask is where I come in. I have represented families through the entire process, resulting in delivery of special education and gifted services for hundreds of Pennsylvania students.
If you notify your school district of concerns about your student's educational needs, the district should initiate an evaluation process to identify educational deficits. After the evaluation is complete, a dedicated team of teachers and school professionals should collaborate with the parents to develop an appropriate plan for your student. However, you may disagree with the school district's proposed plan of supports for your student.
Extraordinary Law will represent you at IEP, Gifted, and 504 Meetings to faithfully advocate on behalf of parents. Throughout the process, we will continually negotiate to secure your student the best possible education plan. As a last resort, the IDEA and Section 504 provide parents with the right to a hearing, where we will present your case to a Department of Education Hearing Officer.

"It is not beyond our power to create a world where all children have access to a good education."
- Nelson Mandela